Monday, August 03, 2020

Civic holiday weekend

After visiting Ames and Mr. Trudeau earlier in the day, came home and watched 'A Few Good Men' as it was the tv movie that was playing Saturday night.
Considering I had not seen the 1992 movie previously (even though I knew Tom Cruise is in it), I was surprised at how many celebrity names were ALSO in the movie (other than Cruise, there was also Demi Moore, Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Nicholson, Kevin Bacon, Kevin Pollak and James Marshall) that I recognized.
Then the four of us spent yesterday shopping at Outlet Collection at Niagara amidst the rain clouds.
While Ames went hunting for steals and deals with mom,
dad and I hung out at the Aroma where I had the mocha!
During this great time (that I had to kill), Fayewood happened to give me a shout to chat about a Podcast/Instagram proposal that she's looking to start as a fun side project aimed to give high school/college/university students/new/mid-career/retirees direction in exploring career paths. We had a really nice discussion and we've got ideas on how to make this work!

As today is Monday, I was able to go for my morning walk as well as join in the Boss Family Workout that still occurs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on Instagram in the early afternoon (Maddox joined a bit too!).

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