Monday, August 10, 2020

RyU zoom catch-up & binge watching...

Had a great and very much needed zoom catch-up with my Ry U gf's yesterday
(it's been around 3 years since we'd last met up).  Got a glimpse of Ravi and Evan as they'd gone out for a walk (my goodness, it was the first time to meet Ana's little boy!) to leave mom some peace for our 2 hour sess. 

These are the best kind of friends...the ones where it's like we've known each other forever (well, kind of as I'd met them through a randomly picked up PR class that I had decided to pursue AFTER finishing my undergrad at UT and figuring out my next step).  We had been grouped together for a project by Professor David Turnbull (who persuaded me to pursue my communications studies as Seneca college!) and we all clicked and stayed in touch!

Margaret's since gotten married but still works at CAMH so occasionally goes in to the hospital (at this time during the pandemic). Erin still works with HotDocs and together with my update, it looks like we're all going pretty well during the pandemic.  

Nearing the end of our second zoom portion (before getting kicked off, lol), with our ever PR backed thinking, we've planned another zoom session for the end of September, fingers-crossed!!!

Later on, watched this amazing performance of Patty's friend, Hai Jin, that she had so kindly sent me the link for last week.
Regarding television movie binge watching, during the week I had caught Stand By Me- with Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell, Kiefer Sutherland, John Cusack directed by Rob Reiner, 1986.  Men in Black 3 - with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, 2012 and The Great Gatsby - with Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan directed by Baz Luhrmann, 2013

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