Sunday, June 07, 2020

Video game flashbacks

Since the whole covid-19 pandemic began and social distancing became the norm, due to the fact that the building's gym facilities are still closed, the neighbourhood is where I spend the time walking around in the mornings as the sun's coming up. I find that now when I'm strolling along the laneway that leads through a park (that's now closed due to the pandemic) if I see another person (there's normally very few to none in the mornings) in my pathway, I can see that we immediately are strategizing our moves to either not pass one another or pass with the greatest amount of distance between us.

Two distinct types of video games flash in my head EVERY. SINGLE. TIME...pac-man and Super Mario Brothers. ;p

Mainly Pac-Man...this character that's supposed to be an image of a pizza with a slice removed that was also supposed to be derived from a character's hockey-puck shape, who must eat all the dots inside an enclosed maze while avoiding four colored ghosts. Here, I am equating other people to the 'ghosts' in the game.
As the park has a circular path, I like to make several rounds before heading back home. If I see there are people on the pathway, there are other paths to walk around to avoid crossing...or if crossing is impossible to avoid, we cross with the farthest distance between as possible.

The reason Super Mario Brothers, especially Super Mario World because I used to play that game when we (Ames, Jules and Grace) were younger is because when walking outside, unlike walking on a treadmill in the gym, there are environmental factors to take into consideration. Such as puddles and sticks etc...

Therefore walking along the path is also a bit of a game for me, why not? What a way to enjoy nature and make exercise fun, lol.

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