Sunday, June 14, 2020

Just watched Ava DuVernay’s 2016 movie, 13th. After seeing DuVernay promote the film on a daytime talk show and assuming it was new and relevant in this time, I took advantage of the free site off of Netflix this arvo.
Considering I’d hadn’t known (or researched until AFTERWARDS) of the film, I’d no idea that it’s about the exploration of the ‘intersection of race, justice and mass incarceration in the United States’ and how it’s titled after the 13th amendment to the United States Constitution, adopted in 1865 which abolished slavery throughout the United States and ended involuntary servitude except as a punishment for conviction of a crime.


The amount of American history I’ve never learned about in school. Whoa...

I have to say I’ve much more understanding and respect for the black race that I’ve not known that I’ve been missing. It DEFINITELY gives much more meaning and relevance to protesting with #blackouttuesday & #blacklivesmatter. #RESPECT

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