Thursday, January 23, 2020

So long, farewell...

I attended MSIT (mon sheong inspired toastmasters) last night again after nearly 2 years (give or take approximately 21 months).

It was nice to visit and see the changes, as there has been many. Mainly that except for the President (who actually only came BECAUSE I was attending), I recognized no one. All the members were new to me. Ah well, such is the toastmasters club life, especially still so new.

Regardless of the feeling of being included (they asked me to be the timer), I’ve sadly come to the conclusion that even though I am still on the MSI Toastmasta!!! group chat (as I had originally requested as I was a founding member and hadn’t planned on leaving), this may be an indication that my time is up.

Mostly because the group has drastically changed and isn’t a priority for me at all. Actually, to be completely honest, partly due to location and the members (wink wink), if I DO continue with toastmasters, I would probably sign up with my friend, Winnie’s (Eglinton Yonge Toastmasters). However, THAT is ALSO still a ways to go.

Until then, as Bill Lee and Julie Andrew’s song from ‘The Sound of Music’ goes...

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