Sunday, September 29, 2019

Crazy little thing called love...

- Queen

Amongst other songs such as 'Another one bites the dust'/'Radio Gaga'/'Bohemian Rhapsody'/'We will rock you'/'We are the champions' sung by Queen and Adam Lambert that included a nice tribute to Freddy Mercury as well as performances by Pharrell, Alicia Keyes (including Empire State of Mind) and appearances by Chris Martin and Rami Malek.

This was my highlight from yesterday, watching the Global Citizen Festival on of the few things I will stay up a little later for!

As for today, I look forward to catching J. Lo's 'Hustlers'!

Friday, September 20, 2019

People say nothing is impossible; But I do nothing everyday

- Pooh from Christopher Robin

This is the state that I am in right now.

However, my main struggle is to work with my new normal in the act of re-wired plumbing (literally). Sadly, this is quite stressful and challenging. Unfortunately, this is all up to only myself. Therefore, as I understand, just give it time.

BUT...time is a-ticking...which is very unfortunate for a person that likes to remain occupied with something or another.

I must give it time.

On the bright side, now that I can sleep through the night like a normal human being again...I’m happy to be sleeping soundly again and am now back on my caffeine-kick! And thanks to Jordan, I have a small supply of drip coffee for my mornings now, yay! Something to do while I do nothing...

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Show Must Go On

The Queen + Adam Lambert Story #QueenxAdamLambert

I've just finished watching the ABC story about Queen and Adam Lambert that I taped back at the end of April...such a great performance! I guess something that I hadn't realized was that Freddy Mercury had passed from HIV back in the day and it was nice that they did such a thorough explanation on the back story to both the band Queen and how Lambert became famous from the first American Idol as the runner up. Personally, I think he did pretty well with filling in with the team of Queen. Go Adam!

Anyway, another way to look at this story title is to bring it back to myself (hence my own blog, duh!)...a week after the end of another chapter of my life, I feel like I'm doing pretty well! I'm not going to lie, I do NOT miss counting hours etc and am totally relishing in the fact that I can now literally sleep through the night without waking up every two hours! (yay!!!)

Something not to take for granted until you realize that you's part of the first world culture etc that a person NEVER has to think about until they do....but details... :)

As I'm still going through my recordings (I'm doing well as my family's recordings are down to 58%, I'm now watching 'the 2019 Met Gala' E! Live From the Red Carpet from back at the beginning of May now. It's 4 hours long so hopefully afterwards the % will be even lower! Most important to go through all the recordings now as new seasons start in the next two weeks!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Oh how I've missed my Tim Horton's fix!!!

Yesterday, I had my first small French Vanilla Cappuccino is over a year and a half...and it was SOOOOOO worth it!

Altho….I'm still waiting for my taste buds to come back...

The END.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

"Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you."

said by Neo (Keanu Reeves) in "The Matrix" (1999)

This is a good quote to describe my long weekend spent with the abbey girls at Maija's place in Guelph! It's also special that we'd all met up... 'We' including Dr. Tanaks who'd flown in from NYC, Kristy, Karina, Faye, Maija and myself!


As it turns out...we had all known that the K squared were going to be moving to Oz back where Kristy originally came from. However, the that we all learnt Saturday is that Dr. Dune has accepted a job in Oz as well! Mind you, it makes sense as her whole family lives in Sydney...even though the best surprise (like they'd all arranged it...but hadn't) is that all three of them will be living in Melbourne, the wonderfully artsy city. Similar to our Toronto and Montreal is what Sydney and Melbourne is to Australia!

CRAY-CRAY?!?!?!? I think so!!!

Regardless, all five of us arrived at Maija's with two chocolate cakes as presents because we had run later (involving stops at Karina's brother's and sister's place for Tanaka's 'farewell tour'). Interesting side note was that while we were getting the cake, T also bought a couple of cheeses (including my fav, Brie). One of the cheeses, smelled bad, so T immediately chucked it into Maija's garbage can. Luckily, Maija insisted that she take it out of the garbage to return to the store (as it was bought NEW)...and as she was investigating T's receipt, turns out that this 'BAD' cheese was charged $60!!!! :O

Maija made T go with Kristy back to the store to return this bad cheese and get her rightful $60's back!

While they went to the store, the rest of us helped Maija with setting up lunch (with cake as dessert!). After a fantastic and laid back lunch, because the weather was so beautiful, the six of us went out to the backyard where Maija has a pool!!! T, Kristy and Maija had a fantastic time frolicking around the pool while Karina, Fayewood and I dangled our legs off the side. We had SUCH a great time, we even saw a rabbit off the side of the pool!

After a fantastically relaxing time, we went into town for dinner at 'La Reina', a Mexican-type restaurant where we had a couple of tacos and sopas while sitting outdoors.

Needless to say, we all stayed up very late chatting together like we haven't done this in much too long!!!

The wonderful thing about staying at Maija's was that while she has three children with Jonathan, they had other plans so that it was just us ladies Saturday. Even better was that we all had great sleeping arrangements involving beds for all of us!

Sleeping in until around 7-8am, we had a lovely brunch Sunday morning before Maija went to bring home Jonathan and their darlings, James, Ruuben and Emmi!

Emmi, Maija's youngest, had drawn little artistic presents for all of us to enjoy. Tanaka was so ingenious to ask Emmi to sign and date her art projects so that we can have them for safe-keeping for the future! (Plus we all graciously let T have all of Emmi's drawings to take to Oz!)

We all ended our great weekend with a nice drive home from the K squared. :)

Come holiday Monday, as Jordan lives in my hood, he walked over to pick me up at my residence and we walked over to Sheppard Centre to try out 'Blaze pizza' (we each ordered one personal pizza). He ordered the BBQ chicken pizza that had chicken, mozzarella, onion, gorgonzola, bbq drizzle and banana peppers (he asked for half of his pizza without the peppers for me) and I ordered the Art Lover with artichokes, mozzarella, ricotta pork and red sauce dollops. Then we had them halve the pizzas so we each had half of the the best of both worlds! The best was that we even split a s'more pie for a pre-dessert...

Luckily, the pizza's are thin crusted and the s'more pie very small so that after dining and chatting for awhile, we popped next door to 'Sweet Jesus' for ice cream dessert! There, I had my favorite, a small 'red rapture' while Jordan had a small 'hella hazelnut'.

Needless to say, a FANTASTIC labour day weekend! My scale also let me know that it was fantastic... :/ Ah well, you only live once. This is MY choice!