Sunday, March 11, 2007

ARGH!!! It's already daylight savings time!!!! Of all days to go out to a club (with Matt and Shelley, no less), it had to be yesterday, when we were losing an hour of sleep!

Honestly, it gets tiresome going out all the time. And march has been ABSOLUTELY no exception. How many birthdays have I celebrated or gone to already? Alot of them I would never have even known about if not for facebook!

Yesterday was Mich's birthday dinner at Fred's Not Here. Matt, Tony, Sange and I arrived fashionably late, but luckily so did everyone else. I love Mich's dinners and friends. It's so laid back and fun. No one is really awkward, and as usual, I like to zoom in on the quietest people at the table. hahaha. So the joint present the four of us pitched in for b-day girl? Some wii game. I have no idea what it is. but hey, if she's excited about it, then I'm allllllllll for it! ;p

The club part was disappointing. My bestest friend in the whole wide world was invited to a b-day party (surprise surprise!!) So considering she rarely goes out, let alone goes to clubs anymore, Matty and I join in as sidekicks (but I know the b-day boy too.) We went to C-Lounge which apparently is the club to go. Beautiful decor but awful choice in music. All of it was dance remixes! We stayed until almost 2am in the vain hopes that the DJ would play something good. The characters at the club were not very attractive either. And then, 2am comes around and suddenly it's 3am.

AND, I still have so much homework to do. But that's not stopping me from going skiing today. Suffer the consequences tomorrow.

So the moral of this story? Go to good clubs to have a good dancing night. Otherwise, start up your own dance party in the car.

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