Sunday, February 25, 2007

so second term is moving along quite nicely. It seems that a lot of the work this term is done independently, or if it is team work, it is one whole entire project instead of a lot of little ones. i don't generally think about this, but someone asked me the other day, if i wonder about who i will keep in touch with after the program is finished. well, i don't really need to wonder about this because i have a pretty good idea who those people are. What I don't understand is why everyone cares about that. If you want to stay in touch, then do it. If not, it's very easy to let go.
I suppose it is a little sad to know that within two months, these people that i have grown very close with will be on their separate ways. But thus is life, we move on and keep going.
I have plans, they change all the time, but at least i have a plan.


s3cyw said...

yo gurly .. how come its shown 3 times???

hope everythin' is good with u .. will i see u soon ?!?!?


the little princess said...

i don't know why! i deleted the other two. i think i will see you michelle's birthday on saturday!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a cute layout. But thanks for not linking me, dude! Nice to know I'm not one of your favourite reads.

This is me crying into the abyss of my cold, cold heart.

the little princess said...

I'd apologize, but have no idea who annoymous is. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

It's your sister, you dolt!