Sunday, October 31, 2004

hahaha, so jokes! thanks to karen for sending this to me.

step 1:
go to
step 2:
enter the following line into the translate textbox:
Aishwarya's mom is nice and cool
step 3:
translate from english to spanish.
step 4:
copy the translated text, and translate it back from spanish to english.

it was unbelievable the amount of unnecessary drama that i went to go to the longest award dinner ever last night. it was 6 hrs, i guess they knew it would be that long, that's why they put it on the evening where we get one more hour. i'm not even sure why they awarded my sister, but whatever.

no sleep from the previous night because of smc's halloween party = one very tired piano teacher.

everyone loved spongebob! *wink wink* hahahaha. (oh, i was NOT spongebob...) when the pictures are developed all will be revealed! hahahaha, oh such good times!

well now the little girl has to make up for all her partying (what partying?!?!? hahaha) back to the grind. one more month to go!!!

happy halloween!

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