Friday, August 27, 2004

i'm sitting in the backseat of jacob's car at 2am this morning, and alex is sitting next to me:
me: omg!
jake: what? what's wrong?
me: did you know...that if you put your seatbelt stay in your seat!
jake: you're right! you do!
alex: oh man....

the last couple of days have been so amazing! i'm so happy that i'm on vacation, i really needed this extra time. i haven't felt the feeling of being relaxed and just letting loose in a very long time! yesterday, after attending a shiva for lenny's brother with jacob and simone, we headed over to the fox and the fiddle for drinks and dancing with lucy, cherie, alex, brandon, greg, steve and chad. the atmosphere was so energetic and everyone was having SUCH an amazing time, i'm still feeling the effects this morning (oops, my bad...two smirnoff ice's and i'm soooo done. hahaha) greg was like "CHRISTINA! i haven't seen you since....YESTERDAY!" hahaha, we had gone shopping at yorkdale with chad and simone and then had dinner at the outback steakhouse. i think the last time we had pure jokes was at george bbq back in july...too good!

i've fallen in love with this punk group called "yellowcard". ok, they're not really punk, they're what matt calls "positive punk". what i find really cool about these guys is that they've got a violinist with their drums in electric guitars. it gives it a certain edge, very very cool. i bought their cd, and i'm fully enjoying the sound! i also got the "queen" hits, and we were singing "we are the champions" up yonge street on wednesday...hahaha, it was so funny people were looking at us like we were crazy...and you know what? we are! hahaha.

You tried so hard to be someone
That forgot who you are

You tried to fill some emptiness
Till all you had spilled over

Now everything’s so far away
That you don’t know where are
You are

When all that you wanted
When all that you had don’t seem so much
For you to hold onto
For you to hold onto

For you to belong to

When it’s hard to be yourself
It’s not to be someone else

Still everything’s so far away
That you forget where you are
You are


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