Monday, May 24, 2004

well it's been proven...i have delayed reaction.

we went out to dinner and ordered fried eggplant in a hot pot, and when the hot pot came, the waiter was having difficulty opening the lid, so OF COURSE i had to be retarded and think i could give him a hand by holding down the handle so he could pull it of. but OF COURSE the HOT pot is made of IRON and was HOT AS HELL...but OF COURSE there was the DELAYED REACTION and didn't realize how freaking HOT it was UNTIL it was too late.

i now have a circular depression on my thumb and a red ouchy depression on my pointer finger. you'd think i'd have learned from my last burning (last time i burned my pointer finger on the toaster oven...hey...same pointer finger!) but clearly i did not. *sigh* some things you NEVER learn...

well, in lieu of that...i went for a morning jog this morning and had my senses assaulted with nature (this is a GOOD thing). there were pine trees laden with raindrops, they looked like teardrops off weeping lashes...sooooo pretty. and then there was this scallawag squirrel that was sitting comfortably on this tree branch that was extended over the road...i actually almost didn't see it until i was UNDER it. it wasn't scared at all, it could have shat on me for all it cared (thank goodness it didn't)...and the BEST part about my jog was when i rounded a curve, i was confronted with a road that was no longer there. the rains from the weekend had flooded the road completely! i don't think the water was THAT deep that i couldn't run through it, but it was also enough that i'd be splashing through, as well i'd get my feet wet, and that is SUCH a NONO for because the road had become a lake, there were all these families of geese and their offspring that were just swimming around the little 'lake'.

actually, before i forget...when you run on the road, you have to be SOOOO careful of where you are running, so you don't crunch the snails that are on the warpath! later in the summer, there's always a patch of road that are almost COVERED in snails, there's only a few now...but when i say warpath...i mean that they are OUTTA THEIR SHELL and moving at a pace that you can say they're even moving! i'd hate to accidently step on them...that would totally suck for them! but yeh, anyway, they totally reminded me of this drawing grace once was something about a warrior snail...i can't really remember but i found it HILARIOUS! grace, you gotta post your warrior snail picture cuz i want to see it again!

oh, and we went to niagara falls today. i've been there a million times, and there's really nothing interesting anymore, perhaps they've added a couple more crazy fun houses and stuff on clifton hill, and maybe they made some of the little sketchy motels into something fancier...but other then the supposed 'drug bust' in the parking lot, there was niagara falls, casino niagara (btw, it was the FIRST time i'd been in a casino...i was carded THREE times today, clifton hills, niagara-on-the-lake....yeh...stuff.

my starbucks tall chai latte with soy cost $6.27. i think i had a heartattack before i recovered...thank goodness dad won money at the slot machines! ;p

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