Friday, April 04, 2003

i'm soooo screwed on this essay...nono...not the fact that it's late (actually...everyone...I GOT AN EXTENSION! mwahahahaaa! but in the means NOTHING!)

i emailed len my paper woes...and hopefully he'll email me back quickly so that he can put me on the right track and i can go my happy way...(no worries robin...i think i'm OK!)

in other news, i had to wash off the cutest smiley face with big ears, small feet and a large tuff of hair that nici drew yesterday, for my interview. it went alright...but i'll talk more about it if and when i get it. if you don't hear anything from me, then DON'T ASK!

i got the longest email from tanaka today. i think i had a heart attack when i realized i had to SCROLL DOWN! seriously! tanaka, i'm gonna jot down this date in my diary and write "today, tanaka wrote the longest email to me" hahahaaaa! oh man...inside joke!

and so i realized why i don't eat lasanga very often...too much cheese.

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