Saturday, March 29, 2003

wow...and double wow...formal is so done and done...they're up on my stole these pics from lily...i'll have more up after i develop my own pics!

everyone looked sooo good! i can't wait to get my pics developed! i think everyone had an amazing time last nite! many scandals and fiascos...but then...that's all part of the packaged deal! we didn't have dinner until sometime after 8pm, but that was because there were about 200 ppl stranded at kelly...waiting for the buses to come back from woodbridge during rush hour. and then when dinner DID begin, the chicken was soooo dry that i had to drink my oh-so-lovely rum and coke to make it better! ;p

mr. tidey is an awesome guy! he danced the last song with me! ...oh...he also sang the entire song while we were dancing..."lady in red"...except that he changed the red to black because i was wearing a black dress! everyone was raving about the "schaefer originals"...which were the 6 dresses kirsten made for the girls...the models included lisa, jeanne, beata, bronwyn, liz, and ms. schaefer i personally had mine made by did a whole bunch of other ppl...and the best thing one was wearing the same dress!

so many ppl got piss ass drunk and shit-faced it wasn't even funny! but whatever...i'm fine...and that's what counts! ;p

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