Sunday, December 03, 2023

The Wolf and the Lion HBO

Before I start, I'd like to say that despite all the love I have for Mozart and Dreamer, and the magnificent lesson of tolerance that they give us, my heart is still heavy.
Although they love each other like brothers, it's only because as babies they were deprived of their liberty by human beings. They invented a life in spite of everything.
And they managed to be happy in spite of us.
But in the wild, a wolf and a lion have nothing to do with each other. I don't know if I was right or wrong to keep them. I did it because I felt in my heart it was the only way to protect them.
I love them and I want them to be safe, but the truth is my island is never where they should've been in the first place.
So I'd like to dedicate this concert to Mozart and Dreamer. I hope that their example of an unlikely friendship between a canine and a feline will shine like the first snowflake in an azure sky. I hope that their story reminds us to defend all animals' rights to freedom. - Alma

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