Saturday, August 28, 2021

Breakfast of champions?

Watched the hour and half Framing Britney Spears documentary while cooling down after my morning walk and having brekkie...something to take in a little tongue in cheek as even though this really puts into focus the term and meaning into a conservatorship (especially her conservatorship), it's much more of a conversation into the effects of fame and the differences between the effects of public relations on any celebrity (eg. be it male vs. female/ethnicity/age).

I've taken it into bringing to light as to the effects of celebrity status and the type of toll it takes on anyone's mental well-being (which seems to also have been gaining much more attention in the media recently).

It's hard to define this as a movie or documentary as it tells a story and as a viewer, I don't know how much to believe but it's definitely showcased a different perspective on how to view her situation. Not that I've had much of an opinion but I'm glad I'm not in her boat and hope it makes it to a destination in one piece. (fingers-crossed) *yikes*

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