Friday, April 24, 2020

Virtual TM April 23, 2020

I participated in my first virtual toastmasters with Winnie’s Yonge-Eglinton Toastmasters last night.

As I am a guest to this TM, I had the opportunity to enjoy this meeting without the additional stress of presenting a speech (an advantage in membership) that guests are not privileged to.

It was nice to see Ruth and Eman, Mr. President

The speeches were fun, beginning with Bobby's icebreaker speech sharing his preference to not being a chatty katty, thereby avoiding conversations if possible (which is ironic as he was at a TM, lol). He shared a fun example of when he worked at a 'tickle', thus engaging in small talk.

Another speaker, Garry shared a motivational speech on maintaining consistent movement routine. His speech included mentioning that he'd climbed the CN Tower 3 times which brought on my own flashback memories of my own climb back in the day...

Corey's speech was the most fun as he was so excited in presenting his speech that he was unable to distance himself properly from the computer camera, thus was in all our faces the entire time! His speech was praising a fellow church pal, Danny whose positive influence works magic with the church community through his take on focusing on one's inside while appreciating the simplicity and generosity of any person!

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