Friday, July 28, 2006

i went to the Andy Warhol SUPERNOVA exhibit at the AGO yesterday. it had been a really long time since i'd gone to an event by myself. usually i'd find a friend or co-worker to go with me, but after speaking with kristy (who told me that we stand at the exhibits listening to a hand-held phone to our ear), i decided that it would be less stressful (as in finding someone to go with) just going alone. i was lucky, as there was also a small exhibit for some of rembrant's sketches, so i went to take a look at those first before the main show. i personally prefer looking at classic art (as opposed to modern contemporary art) and as my favorite art era is the impressionism period, so i really enjoyed looking at the micro sketches with it's fine detailing.

warhol's exhibit was simply fascinating! this specific exhibit focused on celebrities, death and disaster but with the free audiophone included in the show, i was able to gain some valuable insight into warhol's philosophy. because he worked on silkscreens and film, there was a mix of paintings and movies that were playing in the exhibit. my favorite was the screen tests. in this showing, the audience is watching a silent 4 minute (per person) screen tests for movies that were never meant to be made. The screen tests were of people who wanted to become famous or people who were prominent in the art scene (like salvador dali, edie sedgwick, dennis hopper, bob dylan...). but i was really drawn to this one because if i stood there watching the whole time, you could really see the vulnerability of the people doing the screen tests, almost like you're looking into their souls....

another great painting is the miriam davidson. i think i really liked that one because of all the different colors. plus miriam was made because of her likeness to jackie kennedy (who warhol also had an obsession with.) there's so much more that i'm not mentioning because i don't want to give too much away, but over all i really enjoyed the solo time at the art gallery. mind you, i probably would have had just as much fun if i went with a friend, but once in awhile (which i haven't had in a long time) i like having free time for myself.

i'm so interested in warhol's philosophy, and my friend nelson has so kindly lent me warhol's book. i'm excited to read it, so since it looks like this weekend is a rainy weekend, i might spend some time curled on the sofa with a nice mug of hot tea and a book. oooh yah, that sounds great! ;p

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