Sunday, June 04, 2006

i was going to post this uber-long msg at 8am yesterday but then we had a blackout, and it erased everything that i i was too lazy to re-type everything.

basically, i'm perpetually tired from work 7 days a week so the past week i've been going home and sleeping. but i do still like to see my friends, and since work has started their summer hours, i can get off work on fridays as early as 1pm, which leaves me plenty of time to make the most of a friday afternoon! this friday i walked with kristy from eglinton to bloor (along yonge) and as i was leaving the bloor station to go to carleton and sherbourne, i randomly ran into immanuel on the steps of the royal bank! so i sat down and chatted with him for a bit and then went over to pauline's where she cooked an awesome gourmet-like dinner for me using the herbs she's growing on her balcony.

i have somehow hurt my right arm around the rotator cuff. i did something to it wednesday and since then, it just hasn't been right. it seemed to get better on friday, but then yesterday i think i made it worse because i tried to bowl with it. it's all the weather's fault! work had a wonderland day so it was supposed to be all sunny and fun, but then it was just raining and raining so no wonderland! so bowling instead, and now a screwy right arm! i had gone with karina, kristy and matt, so karina and kristy played for me instead as i watched them all compete. my goodness kristy's a competitive one! she lost both bowling games so she and karina started playing air hockey and she was soooo aggressive! hahahaha, those two kill me! but it was all good times!

the month's are going by so fast! may was crazy what with seeing my abbey girls, tanaka (who's in costa rica now), and faye, and watching the season finale of grey's with ana, and going to the TSO THREE TIMES with michelle, and pusateri's with larissa and pauline, and going to a party with cat and the jobloft boys, and let's not forget seeing shelley for her birthday!!!! and now we're in june and the weather is crappy, it doesn't know whether it's happy or sad.

at least life is moving, and even though i KNOW i'm going to burn out from work soon, the fact that i know i'm going back to school in september makes it all worth it. i'd been hit by the travelling bug since may (i want to go to shanghai) but i'm holding out for belgium...i can do it! it doesn't help that half my friends are gone away: liz is studying in italia for the summer, and tee just left to teach english in nagoya, japan where mark sutherland and rachel mettler already are, and jerome is becoming a teacher in buffalo, and bernadette's in korea...soooo jealous!

but summer will zip by fast and before i know it, grey's anatomy will be back on thursdays! ;p

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