Thursday, September 01, 2005

i don't even know how to start this rant post, so i'm just going to dive in...

i simply hate people who take advantage of nice people. when i see it happen to people who are close friends of mine, i will rip them apart because i can't stand my friends being taken advantage of. of course, when it comes to me, i just let it go. it totally sucks, but i hate being the nice person, and no matter how much i hate it as i see it happening to me, i don't say anything because that's just the way i am.

what am i referring to? i went to a friend's party last week and a girl there found out that i did piano accompanying and she asked me to accompany her for an hour for $20 for her audition tomorrow. i said of course. we met up yesterday and today, and spent over an hour with her, even taking her home when hart house kicked us out because we're supposedly not allowed to "sing" with the piano, it's just for listeners enjoyment. and did she give me any money? nope. nada. and as she was leaving, i couldn't even bring myself to say anything. i don't know HOW to ask for money.

she's not the first person who's done this to me. i've had a recent job where i did the job, i'm STILL waiting for the money, i don't even know HOW MUCH i'm being paid. i hate this so much. how do you discuss money when you're applying for jobs? it's my biggest pet peeve. the only thing i can do, is learn not to deal with that person again. i lose out.

grr, i'm so upset right now...

1 comment:

the little princess said...

hey girl! congrats on your job! soooo lucky! i've been looking for a job too, it's so stressful! and all these crazy odd jobs that aren't turning out so well! i know, i figure "fool me once, your fault but fool me twice my fault" so i'm working on the not getting fooled twice part. yikes, i missed chris' party so i have to see you all soon before you go away! hope to see you soon!