Saturday, April 16, 2005

went out for dim sum with jake, alex, jordan, and adam for lunch, and then carmi and shelley came by and we went up to her place in stouffvile to see the dogs and the ducks. what a great day for duck watching! one of these days we'll go swimming in the pool, until then...hahaha.

and then this evening i went out with jake to return "ocean's twelve" at blockbuster (i don't recommend it, the first one was way better) and then we stopped off at price chopper and waited for alex to finish work and then we walked home.

and then we brought up some past stuff and then started missing, and then i went digging up old stuff (smart one, huh?) and then i started thinking about "what might have happened if only...." and then i realized i haven't updated my website since the major "deletion" and so i've put up a couple of pictures from the other day when there was the chest gathering at mullins. i have to hand it to them though. if it wasn't for them and their crazy picture taking, i'd still be photoless. i've gotten really lazy about taking photos. =&

anyway, that's how i've been and now i'm feeling generally stupid. but i guess that's ok, it comes with the territory.

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