Saturday, January 04, 2025

Lazy day/weekend

It's definitely been decades since I've had a stay at home day/ was supposed to be a nice low key day (dad & Ames at a Scotiabank game now) and we (including myself and mom) were going to stay the night at her place. However, I've caught a cold...that's REALLY kind of taken me out....literally!

It's mainly a sore throat (which makes me sound hoarse IF I speak...) granted it's cleared up during the day after having consumed many cups of ginger tea and much blowing my nose.

I'm also feeling super tired so I've been lazing around in bed, napping several times of the day and hopefully I'll have gotten this out of the system to be better enough for work come Monday (got to give my body props for choosing the 'best' time to get ill, lol).

Luckily, I hadn't any plans this weekend so I've also been going through my 'recordings' (haha), as well as catching the Hollywood Roundtable Actresses online. Personally, I enjoyed watching in action than when I read it online yesterday!